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Release Notes


Ryskview Release brings new functionality to the application.

New Functionality

  • Automated Asset Type Classification.  Ryskview has leveraged predictive AI models to automatically tag and classify Asset Types (workstation/server/switch/etc) within Ryskview.  This removes the manual work associated with tagging, and also feeds into the Rysk Score algorithm, providing a more accurate Rysk Score.
  • Simple Security Questionnaire (SSQ) –  This provides a simple 33 question framework for assessing some of the most important controls of a System.  This can provide a quick, high-level understanding of the system and its security posture.  This is provided in the UI as a questionnaire in the System Profile, as well as a  framework on the Security Controls tab.  There is also an option to populate the associated 800-53 CCIs with the data from the SSQ.
  • In Issuance Dashboard, there is now a link to view the vulnerabilities pertaining to the IAVAs that are not on a POAM.
  • Ryskview can provide on-demand text based System Summary with the assistance of an external LLM such as NIPRGPT (when available via API) or other local or cloud-based LLM.


  • Page loading for Uncredentialed Scans and Reports > Scan Data > Software are significantly faster. 
  • Ryskview Assets tab within each System now mirrors and allows the same functionality that is provided via the Assets page.  This includes viewing the vulnerabilities and POAMs for each Asset as well as editing the Asset information.

Bug Fixes

  • In Scan Data page, the lower pane, Last Update field is now properly updating based upon the most recent scan. 


Ryskview Release brings new functionality to the application, which provides an enterprise view of risk across all applications and also extends the capabilities for flexible Authorization Boundaries.  Additionally, this release a few new minor enhancements

New Functionality

  • Rysk Map – The Rysk Map is a top level enterprise view of the risk within the IT infrastructure.  It displays each Region and is drillable down to the Program Offices, Systems, and Assets.  It also displays the last 90 days of risk for each region, so users can see how the risk has fluctuated over the past 3 months.  The Rysk Map is the default login/landing page for executive users, who do not have a specificied role of System Admin, ISSO, CIO or Validator.  For any user who has a role assigned, the Rysk Map can be accessed via the meny bar.
  • Assess and Incorporate –  Ryskview has added additional System Authorization Type of “Assess and Incorporate”, or “A&I”.  (Previous existing types were Assess and Authorize, Baseline, Deployment).  The A&I function enables a System, or group of Assets, to be linked to the Authorization Boundary of a larger System such as an Enclave.  This enables independent management and evaluation of all Systems, while still maintainig the Authorization Boundary.  When a System is set to A&I, all of the policy Security Controls for A&I System are inherited from the linked System, leaving only technical controls to manage.
  • Authorization Matrix – The Authorization Matrix provides a unique visual understanding of Authorizations and relationships.  Each box represents a System within the Authorization Boundary.  Box size is determined by the number of Assets in each System.  There  are three flavors of Authorization Matrix..
  • Program Office Authorization Matrix – This is a network boundary of a program office or MTF, showing all the Sytems in the Program Office.  This can be accessed by navigating to Program Offices on the menu bar and clicking on the Authorization Matix icon.
  • Baseline / Deployment – This displays the Baseline System along with the Deployment Systems that are linked.  This provides an easy comparison and visualization of the entire Authroization Boundary.  This Authorization Matrix can be accessed on the System page by clicking on the Authorization Matrix icon next to the Baseline System.
  • A&A / A&I  – This provides a full Authorization boundary diagram of an A&A System (usually Enclave) along with the linked A&I Systems.  Users can view easily view the different Systems included within one Authorization boundary.  This Authorization Matrix can be accessed on the System page by clicking on the Authorization Matrix icon next any A&A System that has linked A&I Systems.\
    • Enhancements/Improvements
    • On Security Controls page for a System, added a filter for Technical vs Policy controls.
    • In Reports, both the Scan Data and POAM Data Risk Timelines, the graph below the timeline chart has been updated.  It now displays just the current number of vulnerabilities/POAMs as approriate for each System displayed.

Known Issues

  • None for this release


Ryskview Release brings significant software and backend upgrades to the application, which ensures that software components continue to receive security updates as well as providing enhanced performance.  Additionally, this release a few new minor enhancements and bug fixes.

Software Backend

  • Database has been upgraded from PostgreSQL version 11 to PostgresQL version 15.  This is a major upgrade which will allow for enhanced performance and additional functionality in the future.
  • Middleware (Django and Python) have both been upgraded to newer versions to ensure compatibility and continued support.


  • On the Scan Data page, the data can now be filtered by Asset Type.  If a user only wants to see the vulnerabilities for a specific Asset Type (ex. Servers), the User Interface can now be filtered for one or more Asset Type.

  • Navigation within the Software Reports has been improved.  When selecting filter, the filter remains while drilling down to “View Assets”.  Also a breadcrumb navigation has been added when drilling in to “View Assets”.

  • Changed label on the CTO (Chief Tasking Order) Dashboard to “Issuance Dashboard” to reduce confusion and more appropriately reflect and directive or issuance that may not be a CTO.

  • In the Issuance Dashboard, after drilling down to the Program Office, the bottom graph has more visible Titles and axis labels.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in the filters for Scan Data – Risk by System Report.

Known Issues

  • None for this release


Ryskview Release brings significant User Interface (UI) improvements, along with a new Chief Tasking Order (CTO) Dashboard.  The primary focus on this release was to provide a more intuitive User Dashboard, color code Rysk Scores for clarity, and add the CTO Dashboard.

New Features

  • Enhanced User Dashboard (Login Landing Page).  New tiles described below have been added.  All tiles can be pinned or unpinned to create a custom dashboard for each user.
  • Rysk Severity Systems – Pie chart indicating the High, Moderate, Low severity of Systems based upon the Rysk Score.  Charts are drillable and clicking on a specific severity will display the Systems represented.
    • Rysk Severity Assets – Pie chart indicating the High, Moderate, Low severity of Assets based upon the Rysk Score. Charts are drillable and clicking on a specific severity will display the Assets represented.
    • Rysk Severity Program Offices – Pie chart indicating the High, Moderate, Low severity of Program Offices based upon the Rysk Score.  Charts are drillable and clicking on a specific severity will display the Program Offices represented. This tile is not available to System Administrator and ISSO roles.
    • Top 5 Ryskiest Systems – Bar chart indicating the Systems with the highest risk based upon the Rysk Score.  Clicking on a specific System in the chart will display the System Summary in a new browser tab.
    • Top 10 Ryskiest Assets – Vertical bar chart indicating the Assets with the highest risk based upon the Rysk Score.  Clicking on a specific Asset will display the Asset information.
    • Average Rysk Systems – Line chart displaying the Rysk score of Systems over time. The Rysk scores for Systems have been combined and averaged to create one line.
    • Average Rysk Program Offices – Line chart displaying the Rysk score of Program Offices over time.  Each Program Office is represented by its own line. This tile is not available to System Administrator and ISSO roles.
  • CTO Dashboard
    • The CTO Dashboard summarizes compliance for Issuances, which are typically Chief Tasking Orders (CTO) and/or Information Assurance Vulnerability Alerts (IAVAs).  This can be accessed by clicking Issuances on the menu bar, finding the desired Issuance, and selecting Actions > Report.
    • By default, it displays compliance level of each regional Cyber Market, SDD/PMO, or Other. Users can drill into each pie chart to display the specific information being represented. Users can also see more specific data within each region by clicking on the Title (i.e. Central) or by clicking on the desired location on the map.  This will provide more detail into the Systems and Assets within that Region.
    • Color-coded Rysk score and changed from percentile to numerical based score. 
    • The Rysk score has been color-coded within the UI, so that High is red, Moderate is yellow, and Low is green.  This applies to Assets, Systems, and Program Offices. 
    • In the Multi-System (or Baseline/Deployment) Management, Scan Data and POAMs can be exported in a combined report. 
    • Navigate to the Multi-System Management interface (On menu bar, select Systems.  Find a baseline or deployment system and select Actions > Compare).  On the top right, select “Export Multi-System Management”.
    • Capability to query and export Scan Data and POAMs in a combined report. 
    • Go to Reports > Scan Data > Scan Data – Risk By System.  There is now a checkbox to “Include POAMs”.


  • In the POAM Task Queue, when a row is expanded, user now has a tab labeled “Dependencies”.  This is an optional field that allows user to specify the reason or dependency that needs to be addressed before the vulnerability can be remediated.
  • Added Rysk Score to the Program Offices page.
  • Capability to set custom auto-archive timeframes for specific Asset Types.  Default auto-archive setting is 90 days, meaning Assets not scanned within 90 days will be archived. Ryskview now has capability to granularly specify a different timeframe for specific Asset types, such as workstations, to archive.Scan Data page now includes a checkbox filter to include/exclude Vulnerabilities or STIGs from the display.
  • In report filters, appended Program Office to the System name.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed miscellaneous issues with vulnerability data ingestion Fixed mismatch between Assets and OS High Risk asset count on tiles
  • Fixed issues related to search fields caching terms as user navigates through app.

Known Issues

  • None for this release


New Features:

  • For individual Systems, there are three new features.  Each of these can be accessed by clicking on the Actions > View button for any individual System.
    • System Summary – The System Summary provides a plethora of information about the System.
      • System Metrics such as Last Scan Date, % Credentialed, Average Time to close vulnerabilities, Average time to close POAMs, and more.
      • Trending Risk graph showing the Risk of the System (High/Moderate/Low) over time. 
      • Summary of the vulnerabilities on the System grouped by source (i.e. vulnerability scan vs STIG)
      • Summary of POAMs on the System grouped by source. Operating Systems on the System
      • Asset Summary of the types of Assets in the System
      • Summary of Controls Assessment
    • Controls Assessment (Beta)
      • The Controls Assessment displays the DOD CCI and enables users to complete a full RMF assessment.  The Controls included are informed by the System categorization (High/Mod/Low) set in the System Profile.
    • Authorization (Beta)
      • The Authorization feature allows for a customizable Authorization Workflow within Ryskview. 
      • Only the ISSO of the System can begin an Authorization Workflow, though any user with permissions to view the System can see the Workflow tab and progress.
  • Export Roles button on the System page that enables a user to see all the Roles assigned for visible Systems.
  • Added a new date filter to the Scan Data Reports to allow for filtering the Last Seen date from 0-7 days and 0-14 days.  This allows a user to only query the database for assets that were seen within these shorter time windows.  (Previous shortest was 0-30 days).


  • Improved loading times for User Landing Page.
  • Performed a code upgrade on data imports to process much more quickly and efficiently.



New Features:

  • Add Primary Office Field to User Profile
  • NetBIOS field added to Asset and included in CSV export (Reports only)
  • Added permission for Global Program Administrator/Reviewer, which allows for permissions to all Program Offices


  • Decrease loading time for To Do tile on Dashboard
  • Decrease import time for Nessus Scans with software plugin
  • Decrease loading time for Assets page
  • Decrease time to Add to POAM
  • In POAM Task Queue, Assets tab now shows Plugin Output, Last Seen, and First Seen.  This now matches the Scan Data information displayed

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix “Ready for Closure” and “Past Due” checkboxes on the POAM Task Queue



New or Improved Features:

  • Added function to import Software lists and view Software Inventory
    • Software is accessible under “Reports > Software” on menu bar
    • Software reports are exportable to CSV
  • Assets page now includes columns for Rysk Score and Vulnerabilities
    •     Assets are now sortable by Rysk Score
  • Updated and improved emails that are sent to users

Bug Fixes:

  • Optimize queries for faster loading of pages
  • Fixed query for adding new user permissions
  • Fix Log Work to allow Direct Assignments to send to any member of workflow
  • Users with existing designations (roles) can no longer be deleted



New or Improved Features:

  • Enhanced Rysk Scoring for Assets and Systems.
    • The percentile score is created using a custom weighted algorithm that takes into account:
      • Active vulnerabilities
      • Impact of exploit
      • Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Requirements
      • Asset Type (Workstation, Laptop, Server, etc)
      • Whether the Asset is Publicly Accessible (such as a public website)
  • In POAM Task Queue – ability to filter columns by System, Severity and Vulnerability ID. In order to activate these filters, click the icon to the left of the “Search” field in the POAM Task Queue.
  • When hovering over ACAS/Tenable vuln id, Plugin Name is now shown as tooltip
  • For Assets that do not have DNS or NetBIOS or other obvious hostname (ex. switches), Asset naming convention changed from “System:IP” to “rvfh45684568”.
  • Fix for a bug in the POAM Task Queue filters that reset after Log Work but UI does not indicate a reset
  • Uncredentialed Scans Report includes column “Require Credentials” to indicate the setting on each Asset.
  • Numerous Bug fixes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed error with auto-import of Unknown Assets



New or Improved Features:

  • From POAM Task Queue, capability to Log Work on multiple items simultaneously (Bulk Log Work)
  • From POAM Task Queue, capability to Add Milestones on multiple items simultaneously (Bulk Add Milestone)
  • In Dashboard “To Do” Tile, Uncredentialled Scans now excludes Assets that have been specified to not require credentialed scans or do not have a last seen date.
  • In Scan Data Page, a search box has been added to top pane
  • Add tooltip to show full hostname when hovering over a hostname


  • Improved Asset Matching and reconcile options when importing data into application

Bug Fixes

  • POAM Report Export includes IAVA information
  • Adding many permission sets freezes the application

Older Release Notes






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