Scan Data
Scan Data shows all vulnerabilities that are directly from scans and have not been added to a POAM.
- Scan data shown is based on the selected permission tab.
- Top summary pane shows system vulnerabilities and IAVA correlations data
- Bottom pane provides additional details for any hyperlinks selected from the top summary pane

Filter data by their Asset Type. Examples include desktops, laptops, IoT, switches, etc.

Once you submit a POAM, the vulnerability will move from Scan Data to the Task Queue.
After data is imported, Ryskview will add new vulnerabilities to the existing scan data. Vulnerabilities that have been patched or remediated and are no longer showing on scans will be removed from the database via a scheduled reconciliation process. This process runs once or more per day depending upon your specific settings. This can also be performed on demand, if requested through Ryskview Support.
To close patched vulnerabilities, Ryskview will check whether the latest scan job on each asset was a credentialed scan:
- If it was credentialed, then Ryskview will close any vulnerabilities for the asset which are no longer on the current scan.
- If it was not credentialed, Ryskview will add any new vulnerabilities, but will not remove old ones – unless the asset does not require credentialed scans.
- If an asset does not show up on a current scan, such as if an asset is off or removed, Ryskview will leave the vulnerabilities status as Open until the vulnerabilities age out.